IMPS-SA is a non-profit organisation which depends upon membership fees, conference fees, exhibitions at conferences and sponsorships to finance its activities.

Membership presently fluctuates around 30,000, comprising in the main, middle to top management in Local Government. IMPS-SA is researching affordable fees for all the ranks which could further increase membership.

  • Founder Members as contemplated in clause 13 of IMPS-SA Constitution;
  • Group Members, a group of persons or a registered company or close corporation whose group or which becomes a Group Member;
  • Individual Members who qualify for membership in terms of IMPS-SA Constitution;
  • Associate Members, persons who are not directly employed by a municipality in the profession of Municipal Policing and who can contribute to the objects of the Institute.
  • Honorary life members Honorary Life President or Honorary Life Deputy President in terms of Clause 18(2) or (3) of IMPS-SA Constitution.

Advantages of Membership

  • The institute negotiates with higher authority for the promotion of the profession and also serves as a platform for contact, discussion and negotiation with a wide variety of instances such as the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the South African Police Service (SAPS), Research and Academic Institutions, other professional societies and institutes as well as the private security and related industry.
  • Membership is as inclusive as possible, and is also extended to other functionaries such as health inspectors, building inspectors, fire safety officers and technical personnel appointed as law enforcement officers;
  • The institute strives towards cooperation with, and is not in competition with the public safety sister-institutes such as IFE(SA) – Institution of Fire Engineers of South Africa; ILO(SA) – Institute of Licence Officials of Southern Africa; ITMPOSA – Institute of Traffic & Municipal Police Officers of Southern Africa and SAESI – South African Emergency Services Institute.;
  • Academics are directly involved in national council and contribute fresh managerial approaches in affairs of the institute, enrichment of professional knowledge and skills through research and an exchange of information towards meaningful development of the profession.
  • Municipal Policing within the local sphere of government as a profession in its own right is established, the image promoted and publicised
  • The institute undertakes research, to convene conferences, symposia, seminars, forums and to arrange for the provision of lectures and the presentation of papers on matters and problems of interest to the members of the Institute, their employers and the public to stimulate, promote, encourage and facilitate discussion and in general to assemble and distribute in any manner deemed appropriate, information which is useful and of interest;
  • The institute prepares and promotes improvements to legislation and municipal administration, to promote or oppose legislation or other measures affecting the Institute or any of its members, and to contribute to the promotion or opposition thereof;
  • The institute demarcates and establishes regional councils for the achievement of the Institute’s objects and to addresses matters of public safety peculiar to any region.

Sign-up to become a member 

Membership Categories


As contemplated in clause 13 of the IMPS-SA Constitution.


Group Members , namely a group of persons or a registered company or close corporation whose group or which becomes a Group Member. One official representative who will have the same powers as an individual member will represent members of a group.
Entrance Fee : R1 500-00 Annual Membership Fee : R 1 000-00 (full voting powers for official representative)


Individual Members who qualify for membership in terms of the IMPS-SA Constitution. An individual member is a person who is primarily involved with Local Government Law Enforcement or any other occupation, which in the opinion of the National Council could play a meaningful role in the Institute.
Entrance Fee : R 200-00 Annual Membership Fee : R 150-00 (full voting powers)


Associate Members, namely, persons who are not directly employed by a municipality in the profession of Municipal Policing and who can contribute to the objects of the Institute. This category can be awarded to any person that is directly or indirectly involved in the interests of the Institute, but who does not qualify for individual membership for some or other reason.
Entrance Fee : R 200-00 Annual Membership Fee : R 150-00 (regional voting powers only)


Honorary Life President of Honorary Life Deputy President in terms of Clause 18(2) or (3) of IMPS-SA Constitution .

Sign-up to become a member 


IMPS-SA is recognised by SALGA and vigorously aligns with SALGA policy which urges professional institutes to:

  • Form overarching bodies to coordinate their efforts and to meet certain specific objectives;
  • Facilitate participation of the political will in the professional institutes representing the related local government segments;
  • Ensure SADC involvement and make every attempt towards attaining membership from other Southern African countries.
  • To promote professional ethics and professionalisation and to this end enter into agreements with registered educational institutions regarding the development and accreditation of courses relevant to the industry. (Refer to ‘Code of Conduct‘)
  • To be aware of opportunities through the Promotional Pyramid (Refer to ‘Promotional Pyramid‘)

Political Will Councillors – municipal councillors aligned with the IMPS-SA objectives are appointed from various regions as national councillors with full voting rights. It is indeed a privilege working as a collective with the municipal political will councillors. It also provides valuable insight of related political thinking.

Benefits associated with following this route include: approval for the payment of fees for conferences, seminars and the like; the granting of special leave and the payment of subsistence and travel costs; assistance with the payment of membership subscriptions; the establishment of working committees that will have access to SALGA and even possibly higher levels; and interaction with SALGA on technical matters, such as the amendment or drafting of legislation. The disbenefits of not following the route proposed by SALGA would be the marginalisation of institutes which exclude themselves.